Over the past two years several professors from the technology education and mechanical engineering programs at Brigham Young University have collaborated with local public k-12 teachers to develop and implement a ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) activity to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The activity has focused on students learning about STEM concepts while building an ROV over a 5 month period to compete in a state wide ROV competition. The competition consisted of and measured the students’ ability to design, build and utilize an ROV, document their building process (with a focus on the engineering design process), and create a poster report on what they learned while engaging in the hands-on learning activity. The authors surveyed the participants pre and post participation. The survey instrument assessed each student’s interest and selfefficacy in STEM. This paper highlights the process of development and implementation, and shares a few of the key insights aggregated through the survey.

Wright, G.A., Hurd, R.C., Hacking, K.S., & Truscott, T.T., “Using ROVs to teach a blended STEM curriculum” 121st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education, Indianpolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014